Board of Directors

Autumn Blake, President
Lisa Wade-Wellington, Vice President
Kim (Beppi) Smith, Past President/Co-secretary
Debbie Hall, Treasurer
Lynne Barrett
Belinda Crosby
Rebecca Easton
Crystal Lockett
Walter (Mac) McWilliams
Miss Sarah
Amy Perez
Ann Young
ex officio:
Jackie Peery, Executive Director
Advisory Board
Cathy Blackwell
Jackie Bradley
Beegie Caviness
Kasmin Davis, DVM
Laura Devan
Lindsey Graham
Peggy Holt
Mandy Hurley
Arleen Keleher
Dianne MacIlwinen
Mary Frances Morketter
Sarah O'Hanlon
Patti Reed
Rosemary Teague
Carol Wadon, MD
Robin Wiggs
Debbie Williams
FAPS is currently looking for individuals with nonprofit, financial/accounting, and fundraising experience to join the Board of Directors. Read the Board Member Expectations and if interested, fill out the Board Nomination form.