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Shelter animals depend on you, our generous friends. Thank you for supporting our work for the animals.

Would you love to adopt an animal but now isn't the right time? You can still make a huge difference in the life of a cat or dog by sponsoring the adoption fee.

Sponsor a kennel and know that your donation goes toward helping cats and dogs year round. These sponsorships run annually.

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Planned Giving

You can support our mission with a gift today that costs nothing in your lifetime. 


Through Planned Giving, you can often make a more significant gift than you ever thought possible, while maximizing the financial and tax benefits to you, your estate, and your family.

* FAPS is a 501(c)(3) organization; donations of any kind are tax deductible to the fullest extent permitted under the law.

* FAPS holds NC Charitable Solicitation License #SL 000743, registered at

* FAPS is part of the Combined Federal Campaign.  Please refer to Code 46693 when making a donation.


**We respect your privacy and have a strict policy of not selling, trading or otherwise making available the names or confidential information of FAPS' donors. Thank you for supporting our mission!**

3927 Bragg Blvd.

Fayetteville, NC 28303


Shelter: (910)864-9040



CFC Code: 46693


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Wednesday 1P-5P

Thursday 1P-5P

Friday 1P-5P

Saturday 11A-5P


By Appointment Only

Volunteer Hours:

Tues-Sat 9a-4:30p

Sun/Mon 8a-12p

A HUGE thank you to Valley Auto for allowing FAPS to use their property for our parking lots, play yards, walking area, and for their continuous support of our mission. 

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