Lost & Found Pets
FAPS is not able to accept stray or abandoned animals. All stray and abandoned animals MUST be taken to the animal control facility in the county in which the animal was found to give the possible owner an opportunity to reclaim his or her lost pet. Stray and abandoned animals found in Cumberland County must go to Cumberland County Animal Control (CCAC) located at 4704 Corporation Drive, Fayetteville, NC 28306. You may contact CCAC at 910-321-6852.

If You've Lost Your Pet
Search your own neighborhood, thoroughly.
Stop by or call the county shelter in which you live.
Cumberland County Animal Services 910-321-6852
Hoke County Animal Control 910-875-4827
Harnett County Animal Control 910-814-2952
Place a classified ad in the Lost & Found section in the paper -- it's FREE (call 910-678-9000 or 1-800-345-9895)! Remember, when placing the ad to leave out one identifying aspect of your pet, so that you will know for sure when someone calls if it is legitimate.
Place posters in your neighborhood, local shopping center, churches, veterinarian offices, grocery stores, community centers, etc.
DO NOT despair, or lose hope...go to your local animal shelter daily. Many times an animal that has been found will not be taken to a shelter right away...so keep checking at your local shelters.
If You've Found a Pet
Here are a few things you can do:
Call the Cumberland County Animal Shelter at 321-6852 to find out if the animal has been reported as missing. You will be given the name and telephone number of the possible owner.
If the animal has a rabies tag, call the veterinarian on the tag. They will be able to identify the animal through their records.
Place a classified ad in the Lost & Found in the paper -- it's FREE (call 910-678-9000 or 1-800-345-9895)! Remember, when placing the ad to leave out one identifying aspect of the animal, so that you can help determine legitimate calls.
Place posters in your neighborhood, local shopping center, churches, veterinarian offices, grocery stores, community centers, other rescue organizations, etc.
Check with neighbors to see if they have lost or know of anyone who has lost a pet. Do not describe all aspects of the animal, just give the basics. When a possible owner calls have them give you more identifying aspects of the animal (his/her name, any markings that are unique, etc.), that way you will be sure that the animal actually belongs to them.