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Rehoming Your Pet

We focus our animal intake efforts on the animals most at-risk of euthanasia at area animal shelters where the sheer volume of incoming animals creates the most risk for euthanasia. All intake is based on available space, and animals facing immediate euthanasia at county shelters are given priority in our admission program.

By law, FAPS is not able to accept stray or abandoned animals. 


All stray and abandoned animals MUST be taken to the animal control facility in the county the animal was found to give an owner an opportunity to reclaim their lost pet.

Cumberland County Animal Services

4704 Corporation Drive,  910-321-6852

Many pet-related problems can be frustrating, and you may feel that relinquishing your pet is the only solution. But before you take that drastic step, check out these Resources to help pet owners such as yourself deal with problems that can seem overwhelming. Most pet-related problems are solvable. 

Sometimes leaving a pet in his current home isn’t an option. In that case, the best outcome is for the pet’s owner to DIY and rehome the pet without him entering the high-stakes shelter system. Even in a “no-kill” shelter environment, your pet will be alongside many other pets, all waiting for homes. Shelters can be noisy and frightening, and sometimes excellent pets aren’t able to show their best qualities to the people who’ve come to choose a new companion.

Owner Surrender Request


We focus our animal intake efforts on the animals most at-risk of euthanasia at area animal shelters where the sheer volume of incoming animals creates the most risk for euthanasia. All intake is based on available space, and animals facing immediate euthanasia at county shelters are given priority in our admission program.


Our requirements:

  • We require veterinary history

  • Proof of ownership (veterinary paperwork will work if your name is on them)

  • $70 surrender fee per animal - FAPS is a private, nonprofit organization with no government or corporate funding. As such, we rely on donations to keep our doors open to the animals that need us. This surrender fee allows owners to contribute to the care provided to their pets.

  • Photo ID

3927 Bragg Blvd.

Fayetteville, NC 28303


Shelter: (910)864-9040



CFC Code: 46693


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Wednesday 1P-5P

Thursday 1P-5P

Friday 1P-5P

Saturday 11A-5P


By Appointment Only

Volunteer Hours:

Tues-Sat 9a-4:30p

Sun/Mon 8a-12p

A HUGE thank you to Valley Auto for allowing FAPS to use their property for our parking lots, play yards, walking area, and for their continuous support of our mission. 

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